
eNRSA is an enhanced version of NRSA for analyzing nascent transcription profiles generated by PRO-seq, GRO-seq, (m)NET-seq, and Butt-seq data.

The source code of eNRSA is available at GitHub.

The Docker image is available at DockerHub

eNRSA is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0


  • Achieves substantial performance enhancements (~20x faster with markedly reduced memory usage).

  • Compatible with any species using GTF and FASTA reference files.

  • Supports multi-factor experimental designs, with adjustments for confounding factors.

  • Enables identification of alternative transcription start sites (TSS) and termination sites (TTS).

  • Provides analysis of readthrough transcription dysregulation.

There are two ways for using eNRSA:

  1. Command line usage – download eNRSA code and install the dependencies (see Installation and Usage).

  2. Docker or Singularity container (see Container Usage).


Local Installation

eNRSA has the following dependencies:


Python packages:

  • fisher

  • pandas

  • numpy

  • pydeseq2

  • matplotlib

  • scipy

  • statsmodels

Other Packages:

  • bedtools


Fisher package

The version of fisher available on PyPI is outdated and migth fail to install when using the command pip install fisher.

Please use either of these two solutions to resolve this:

  1. Download the package from its GitHub repository and install it locally:

    git clone
    pip install ./fishers_exact_test
  2. Use conda to install it:

    conda install -c conda-forge fisher

Both methods ensure you have a functional and up-to-date version of the fisher package.

We recommend using conda to install the dependencies. Follow these steps:

# Create an environment for eNRSA
conda create -n enrsa python=3.12 -y
conda activate enrsa

# Install dependencies
conda install -y fisher pandas numpy pydeseq2 matplotlib scipy statsmodels bedtools homer

eNRSA initialization

# Clone the eNRSA repository
git clone

# Download and unzip reference files
cd eNRSA

Docker / Singularity Installation

You can use pre-built Docker or Singularity images, which includes all dependencies and reference files.

# Docker
docker pull chccode/enrsa:latest

# Singularity
singularity build enrsa.sif docker://chccode/enrsa:latest

Input Files

Alignment Files

Use the -in1 and -in2 options to specify alignment files for control and case samples, respectively. For multiple files, separate them with spaces.

Supported file formats:

  • BAM

  • BED

Design Table

For complex experimental designs with cofounding factors, it’s better to define design table using -design <file_path>. This option overrides -in1 and -in2.


The design table is a tab-delimited text file with two sections:

  1. Sample Information:

    • Column 1: Full path to the alignment file (required)

    • Column 2: Group name, used to define comparisons (required)

    • Column 3: cofounding factor (optional)

  2. Comparison Definitions:

    • Each row starts with @@.

    • The first column specifies the case group name.

    • The second column specifies the control group name.


/nobackup/INF_Cre_0hr_1-R1.bam    INF_Cre_0hr    b1
/nobackup/INF_Cre_0hr_2-R1.bam    INF_Cre_0hr    b2
/nobackup/INF_EV_0hr_1-R1.bam     INF_EV_0hr     b1
/nobackup/INF_EV_0hr_2-R1.bam     INF_EV_0hr     b2
@@INF_Cre_0hr    INF_EV_0hr

GTF File

eNRSA has 8 built-in organisms (hg19, hg38, mm10, mm39, dm3, dm6, ce10, danrer10). For other organisms or custom annotations, useres need to specify a GTF file using -gtf <file_path>.


  1. Rows with exon as the third column (feature) will be processed.

  2. The ninth column (attributes) must include transcript_id and gene_name.


eNRSA generates a variety of results, including:

  • Gene-Level Metrics: Nascent RNA abundance in promoter-proximal and gene body regions, pausing index and pausing significance.

  • Enhancer and eRNA Detection: Identified active enhancers, long eRNAs, and their quantification.

  • Differential Analysis: Transcriptional changes in promoter-proximal, gene body, and enhancer regions, and pausing index changes across conditions.

  • Visualizations: Plots offering a global view of the data.

Results for known genes are stored in the known_gene folder, and results for enhancers are stored in the eRNA folder.

known_gene folder

File Name File Description
pindex.txt Pausing information for each gene in all samples
normalized_pp_gb.txt Normalized read counts in promoter-proximal and gene body regions for each gene in all samples
pp_change.txt Differential expression results of genes within promoter-proximal region across two conditions
gb_change.txt Differential expression results of genes within gene body region across two conditions
pindex_change.txt Differential expression results of genes of pausing index across two conditions
boxplot_ppdensity.pdf Box plot of normalized read density of promoter-proximal regions for each sample
boxplot_gbdensity.pdf Box plot of normalized read density of gene body regions for each sample
boxplot_pausingIndex.pdf Box plot of pausing index for each sample
pindex_change.pdf Heatmap of pausing index change across two conditions for genes with adjp < 0.05
heatmap.pdf Heatmap of condition-dependent transcription changes around TSS for active genes
Reps_condition1.tif Histogram for variation across samples within condition 1
Reps_condition2.tif Histogram for variation across samples within condition 2
TSS_alternative_isoforms_between_conditions.sig.tsv Differential TSS usage across two conditions
TTS_alternative_isoforms_between_conditions.sig.tsv Differential TTS usage across two conditions
readthrough_change.txt Dysregulated readthrough between two conditions

eRNA folder

File Name File Description
Enhancer.txt List of identified enhancers with annotation, predicted target genes from different strategies, and rank scores
Enhancer_center.txt List of enhancer centers
normalized_count_enhancer.txt Normalized counts for each enhancer
Enhancer_change.txt Differential expression results of enhancers across two conditions
long_eRNA.txt Identified long eRNAs (default: length > 10 Kb)
longeRNA-pindex.txt Pausing information of long eRNAs for all samples
longeRNA-normalized_pp_gb.txt Normalized read counts in promoter-proximal and gene body regions of long eRNAs
longeRNA-pp_change.txt Differential expression results of promoter-proximal regions of long eRNAs across two conditions
longeRNA-gb_change.txt Differential expression results of gene body regions of long eRNAs across two conditions
longeRNA-pindex_change.txt Differential expression results of pausing index of long eRNAs across two conditions
signal_around_enhancer-center.pdf PROseq signal around enhancer center for all samples


You can add the eNRSA package folder to your $PATH, allowing you to run the scripts by their names without specifying the full path. e.g. suppose your eNRSA package is under /home/user1/eNRSA

export PATH=$PATH:/home/user1/eNRSA

Example 1 - nascent transcriptional profile for known genes -in1 INF_EV_0hr_1-R1.bam INF_EV_0hr_2-R1.bam -in2 INF_Cre_0hr_1-R1.bam INF_Cre_0hr_2-R1.bam -output /nobackup/test-eNRSA/ -org hg38

The parameters are explained as follows.



The command to profile nascent transcritional profile for known genes.

-in1 INF_EV_0hr_1-R1.bam INF_EV_0hr_2-R1.bam

The alignment files for condition one - control.

-in2 INF_Cre_0hr_1-R1.bam INF_Cre_0hr_2-R1.bam

The alignment files for condition two - case.

-output /nobackup/test-eNRSA/

The directory for outputs.

-org hg38

The organism.

For all available parameters, see the Options.

Example 2 - nascent transcriptional profile for known genes with samples from different batches -in1 INF_EV_0hr_1-R1.bam INF_EV_0hr_2-R1.bam -in2 INF_Cre_0hr_1-R1.bam INF_Cre_0hr_2-R1.bam -output /nobackup/test-eNRSA/ -org hg38 -batch b1 b2 b1 b2

The parameters are explained as follows.



-batch b1 b2 b1 b2

The batch label for each sample.

You can also specify the samples and batches using design table. For example, -design /nobackup/test-eNRSA/test-design.txt -output /nobackup/test-eNRSA/ -org hg38

Example 3 - nascent transcriptional profile for known genes using user-defined GTF file -in1 INF_EV_0hr_1-R1.bam INF_EV_0hr_2-R1.bam -in2 INF_Cre_0hr_1-R1.bam INF_Cre_0hr_2-R1.bam -output /nobackup/test-eNRSA/ -gtf /nobackup/test-eNRSA/test-gtf.txt

The parameters are explained as follows.



-gtf /nobackup/test-eNRSA/test-gtf.txt

The path to GTF file.

Example 4 - nascent transcriptional profile for enhancers

Note depends on the results of, please run first. -design /nobackup/test-eNRSA/test-design.txt -output /nobackup/test-eNRSA/ -org hg38

For all available parameters, see the Options

Container Usage


  1. Add the -v argument to docker command to mount the input and output disk on the host, e.g. you are working under /data directory, you need to add -v /data:/data, otherwise, your data won’t be recognized inside of docker

  2. Absolute path is required for all the files, including -in1 / -in2 and -gtf / -fa (if applicable), the relative path doesn’t work, because docker uses isolated filesystem, and the working path inside and outside of docker are different.

docker run -v /data:/data chccode/enrsa:latest <options>
docker run -v /data:/data chccode/enrsa:latest <options>


Singularity typically mounts the current working directory automatically. However, if you encounter mounting issues, you can explicitly bind the input and output directories using the -B option.

singularity exec -B /data:/data nrsa.sif <options>
singularity exec -B /data:/data nrsa.sif <options>


Parameters Meaning
-in1 [bed/bam] required, read alignment files in bed (6 columns) or bam format for condition1, each file is separated by space
-in2 [bed/bam] read alignment files in bed (6 columns) or bam format for condition2, each file is separated by space (It is NOT required to have the same number of samples for each condition. The differential analysis is performed on condition 2 vs. 1.)
-design / -design_table [file] desgin table in tsv format. 2 sections, first section is the sample information, 2 or 3 columns. For details, please refer to Design Table part
-batch / -b Optional, if -in1 / -in2 is specified, and the need to adjust the batch effect, add the batch label for each sample. the total argument number should match with in1 + in2
-gtf user specified GTF file, if not specified, will use the default GTF file for the organism
-fa Full path for the fasta file for the genome. If not specified, will search under the fa folder under the package directory.
-organism / -org The genome build of the alignment files. Built-in = hg19, hg38, mm10, mm39, dm3, dm6, ce10, or danRer10. if other organism used, must also specify the -gtf and -fa
-pwout / -output [string] required, output/work directory
-f1 [string] normalization factors for samples of condition1, separated by space. If not specified, we will use DESeq2 default method to normalize
-f2 [string] normalization factors for samples of condition2, same to -f1
-up [int] defines the upstream of TSS as promoter (bp, default: 500)
-down [int] defines the downstream of TSS as promoter (bp, default: 500)
-gb [int] defines the start of gene body density calculation (bp, default: 1000)
-min_gene_len [int] defines the minimum length of a gene to perform the analysis (bp, default: 1000). Genes with length less than this will be ignored.
-window [int] defines the window size (bp, default: 50)
-step [int] defines the step size (bp, default: 5)
-sorted Flag, the input bed files are sorted, skip the sorting step
-tts_down TTS downstream length for detecting readthrough
-h help message

Parameters Meaning
-in1 [bed/bam] required, read alignment files in bed (6 columns) or bam format for condition1, each file is separated by space
-in2 [bed/bam] read alignment files in bed (6 columns) or bam format for condition2, each file is separated by space (It is NOT required to have the same number of samples for each condition. The differential analysis is performed on condition 2 vs. 1.)
-design / -design_table [file] desgin table in tsv format. 2 sections, first section is the sample information, 2 or 3 columns. For details, please refer to Design Table part
-gtf user specified GTF file, if not specified, will use the default GTF file for the organism
-fa Full path for the fasta file for the genome. If not specified, will search under the fa folder under the package directory.
-organism / -org The genome build of the alignment files. Built-in = hg19, hg38, mm10, mm39, dm3, dm6, ce10, or danRer10. if other organism used, must also specify the -gtf and -fa
-pwout / -output [string] required, output/work directory
-cutoff [int] distance cutoff for divergent transcripts for enhancer detection (bp, default: 400)
-distance [int] distance within which two eRNAs are merged (bp, default: 500)
-le [int] length cutoff for long-eRNA identification (bp, default: 10000)
-filter [0,1] whether to filter for enhancers: 0 (not filter) or 1 (filter), deflault: 1
-dtss [int] if filter enhancers, the minimum distance from enhancer to TSS (Transcription Start Site) (bp, default: 2000)
-dtts [int] if filter enhancers, the minimum distance from enhancer to TTS(Transcription Termination Site) (bp, default: 20000)
-wd [int] distance within which associate active genes of enhancer (bp, default: 50000)
-pri flag, if set, will prioritize enhancer. default is false
-peak [file] required if -pri set. ChIP-seq peak file for the regulator of interest in bed format
-lk ["pp", "gb", "pindex"] valid when -pri is set for two conditions. Transcriptional changes to be used for enhancer prioritization, the value can be pp (changes in promoter-proximal region), gb (changes in gene body region), or pindex (changes in pausing index) (default: gb)
-direction [-1, 0, 1] valid when -pri set for two conditions. The expected simultaneous change of expression between enhancers and target genes. 1: the expression changes of enhancers and target genes are in the same direction; -1: the expression changes of enhancers and target genes are in the opposite direction; 0: the expression changes of enhancers and target genes are either in the same or in the opposite direction (default: 0)
-wt/-weight [float] valid when -pri set for two conditions. Weight to balance the impact of binding and function evidence. The higher the weight, the bigger impact does the binding evidence have (default: 0.5, i.e., binding and functional evidence have equal impact on enhancer prioritization)
-fdr [float] valid when -pri set for two conditions. Cutoff to select significant transcriptional changes (default: FDR < 0.05). Use Foldchange instead if no FDR is generated (default: Foldchange > 1.5)
-sorted Flag, the input bed files are sorted, skip the sorting step